
Psychonauts 2 interns
Psychonauts 2 interns

psychonauts 2 interns

It requires a code, but surely it must be written down somewhere. Find the Door Code: There's a door at the back of the storage room that maintenance uses to clean the outside of the Motherlobe.now I am going to be late! There must be a way out of this storage room! Escape the Storage Room: Not what I was expecting from my first day as an intern.The map I got at reception should help me find it. Report to the Classroom: Hollis Forsythe wants me to report to the Intern Coordinator in the Classroom.Mission log: Keeps track of Raz's current objectives.Area survey: Keeps track of all the places Raz can go.PSI powers: Keeps track of Raz's PSI Power information.Intern profile: Shows Razputin's basic intern information.Raz write's more detailed notes on each goal he creates. Help Coach Oleander destroy the monster inside.Get to the brain and disarm the tank for good.Beat the giant PSYCHOBLASTER DEATH TANK!.Rescue Sasha's and Milla's brains from Dr.Make my way through the upper ruins of the asylum.Protect El Odio from Dingo Inflagrante!.Return the Queen of Clubs back to Edgar.Return the Queen of Diamonds back to Edgar.Return the Queen of Hearts back to Edgar.Return the Queen of Spades back to Edgar.Help Edgar conquer his obsession with bullfights.Move the Hearty Knight into Napoleon's stronghold.Move the snail piece to the restaurant so the Hearty Knight can have a decent meal.Recruit some escargot for the Hearty Knight.Recruit a Hearty Knight to take Napoleon's stronghold.


  • Free the gears and lower the drawbridge to Napoleon's stronghold!.
  • Find a way to secure the financial future of the poor peasant's family.
  • Recruit another peasant to fight the new soldier.
  • Get rid of any "burglars" scampering on the Carpenter's roof.
  • Recruit a carpenter to repair the bridges.
  • Move the newly recruited Militiaman piece next to Napoleon's soldier.
  • Restore the hopeless Peasant's faith in Fred.
  • psychonauts 2 interns

    Recruit a peasant to fight Napoleon's soldiers.Find the right script and play it on the right set to get access to the catwalks.Use the candle to light the big spotlight.Find a " lab coat" for the Loboto costume.Trick the orderly into letting me on the elevator.Get to the top of the tower, like I did in my vision.Get better view of the entire neighborhood.Take the sewers to the book depository.Use flowers to infiltrate the graveyard.Go to the graveyard and search the Milkman's grave.Practice clairvoyance on living subject.Find the clairvoyance badge in Boyd's house.Climb the tower to destroy the antenna.Proceed to Tower Island to destroy the radio tower.Destroy all planes so the freighters can dock.Rendezvous with the dissidents at the dam.Free the Lungfish from the influence of the mysterious Kochamara.Return to the brain tumbler in Sasha's lab.Float through the hoops to open the door to the party room.Ride the bubble vents to switch on the big fan.Beat stupid Bobby Zilch in the levitation race.Get up to the top floor of this crazy club.Get past that bouncer and into Milla's dance party.Help Sasha get the censors under control.Earn a real Marksmanship Merit Badge in Sasha's mind.Show Sasha my marksmanship's learner's permit.Get marksmanship badge from Ford Cruller.Follow the unfamiliar animal entity (bunny).Complete Coach Oleander's obstacle course.It does not work in mental worlds, under Lake Oblangata, or at Thorney Towers. The map tab: Only works in Whispering Rock.The memories tab: Shows all the mental vaults Raz has collected.Objective list: Lists all of Raz's current objectives.Collectibles in total: Shows all collectibles throughout the game.Collectibles in the area: Shows all collectibles throughout the current area.Each tab shows a different panel of information: The scavenger hunt list can be viewed from the third tab of the journal.

    psychonauts 2 interns

    In Psychonauts, it can be accessed by pausing the game, and scrolling through the tabs at the top.

    Psychonauts 2 interns