Miscellaneous power models, including the relay, transformer, non-linear magnetic core, and winding.Specialized reliability models (AgeMOS) for simulating the effect of HCI and BTI.User-defined compiled model interface (CMI), allowing for the rapid inclusion of user-defined models.Silicon TFT models, including RPI Poly-Silicon and Amorphous silicon Thin-Film models.GaN MESFET models, including Angelov, ASM, and MVSG models.GaAs MESFET models, includes latest versions of GaAs, TOM2, TOM3, and Angelov.Resistors, including linear resistor, diffused resistor, CMC two-terminal and three-terminal resistor, and physical resistor models.

IGBT models, including PSpice® IGBT model and HiSIM IGBT models.JFET models, including the JFET, Phillips level 100 JFET, and Individual dual-gate JFET models.Diode models, including the diode, Phillips level 500, and CMC diode models.Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) models, including the latest versions of VBIC, HICUM, Mextram, HBT, and Gummel-Poon models.Silicon on insulator (SOI), including latest versions of BTASOI, SSIMSOI, BSIMSOI, BSIMSOI PD, and HiSIM SOI.High-voltage MOS models, including the latest versions of the HiSIM HV, MOS9, MOS11, and EKV.MOSFET models, including the latest versions of the BSIM3, BSIM4, BSIM Bulk (BSIM6), PSP, and HiSIM.Advanced-node models, including the latest versions of the BSIM CMG, BSIM IMG, and UTSOI models.Specifications List of supported device models Spectre comes in enhanced versions that also support RF simulation ( SpectreRF) and mixed-signal simulation (AMS Designer). It also supports the Verilog-A modeling language. It provides the basic SPICE analyses and component models.

Spectre is a SPICE-class circuit simulator owned and distributed by the software company Cadence Design Systems.

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